Saturday, March 7, 2009


I often wish I could reach out to people in need and make a difference in their life, with just a hug or just a nice word. My daughter posed for this photo. Convincing, isn't she?


LR Photography said...

Nice sunny day, nice place too! And about your daughter...Make her smile more often, insist and persist.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

no no no....I ASKed her to POSE for me as a "depressed person", as I am doing a series on people and all their different personalities and moods. heehee Ahhh, see....she IS convincing, isn't she?

Thank you for stopping by to view and leave a means more than you know.

Shutterbug said...

I know what you mean about wanting to help... I've spent a lot of effort this past year ignoring the fear around reaching out to people in need and it has been so incredibly rewarding. Instead of walking by, I try my best to stop and ask what I can do... even if it's something little.

Nice shots, thanks for the comments on mine!

Vivian aka Deborah said...

wow....kudos to you for braving the fear. Fear has a way of doing that to me too....ignoring and turning around to walk away. Then I am left with guilt of thinking...I should have stopped! I do believe you have inspired me to do the same...fear not and stop...we could be like an angel from God!

Thank you for stopping by!