Hi Folks out there in blog land. Perhaps I jinxed myself, I'll never know. In my last post here, to a reply about going to try and sneak a shot or two in the Woodstock museum and post it from behind bars, I really think I jinxed myself. I just got back from a vacation or a holiday if you will, in Pa where I got my camera stolen! I am so @#$%^&* angry, mad, enraged, and sad and feeling rather dumb at my own stupidity! You see, I left it on a table, after dinner and a glass of wine, along with my sunglasses at Dimmick's Inn and Steakhouse in Milford, Pa. I went back only 5 mins later and the waiter gave me my sunglasses but not my camera. It wasn't until the next day when I wanted to take a picture that I realized I left it behind at the steakhouse. I went back and they told me it wasn't there. My heart sank. I had about 800 pictures on there ( most of them in folders, of course ) How does a person steal somebody's personal property and then sleep at night? How? I feel like I am mourning the loss of a loved one. I take pictures everyday! What will I do now? I know, move on...I must. Still, this hurt is still so fresh now. I feel so....so violated!
Funny thing is.....people always say they are afraid of New York and the people there, they might get mugged or something. Well...I left my camera behind once before in a restaurant here on LI, NY and went back and they had my camera for me.....I go to a nice country place like Milford, Pa and get my camera stolen! So I don't ever want to hear about how bad New York is ever again!
The shame of it all is that Dimmick's has really good food there! But I will never go back there again or rave about it to my many customers who visit the Milford area, ever again!
Ok, I am done venting now, I feel a little better.
If you made it this far in my rant post here....thanks for reading and sticking with me!