Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!


ShEiLa said...

Such beautiful fall colors.

Such a nice table spread out for all to enjoy.

I guess I could take a lesson on fancy... we are a whole lot more casual around here. WE ate on paper plates... a first for my house at Thanksgiving.


ps. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Casual is good, Sheila, ain't nothing wrong with that. It's all about being healthy and around loved ones and giving thanks to the One who made us, and all this around us, including the great bounty of food, which I never take for granted.

This year, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, our pastor took church out on the road!....we all got back in our cars, car pooled if we could and drove down to the nearest super market and bout food for the Lighthouse mission food pantry....there were about 200 of us and Ch 12 News was there....oh what a feeling!